To repeat myself, my boys are getting too grown-up for the childish birthday party invitations you find on the shelves at any given store, so I decided to make theirs this year:
Although Seth's favorite color remains green, I made his invitations in blue because I couldn't find what I needed in green. He no longer takes guitar lessons but he's still a fan of music and anything artistic. He's my little rock star!
Now join me, would you, as I take a trip
down memory lane.
(sorry for the poor quality - we hadn't gone digital yet and most of these were scanned from a scrapbook)
Brad got to witness the miracle of birth the second time around!
But that didn't stop either of us from studying Seth's tiny face.
(sorry for the poor quality - we hadn't gone digital yet and most of these were scanned from a scrapbook)
Brad got to witness the miracle of birth the second time around!
But that didn't stop either of us from studying Seth's tiny face.
1st Chritsmas
{one of my favorite moments; when Seth became a christian!}
{seven}{one of my favorite moments; when Seth became a christian!}
~A very Happy Birthday to my second-born~
Finally hit the double digits!