About Me

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I am a Christian. I am a loving wife to my Army-National-Guard-Recruiter-Husband of 15 years. I am a stay-at-home-mother to our four handsome sons. I am a photographer. My blog is about as erratic, eclectic and random as I am, painted with rainbows of photos and words that are hills and valleys you travel; so lovely sometimes that they hurt you. These are the stories of how far we've come in the last 15 years as Christians, as a family and as individuals.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Spring/Summer visitor or a new family member?

I love sitting outside on my front yard swing when the weather is nice.  I'll read, watch the sun rise or set, sip an iced beverage or a warm one and sometimes I just swing, taking in the sights around me and listen to nature.  I used to have a hummingbird feeder in one of the trees out front but with the high winds we get, eventually it broke.  I would sit and watch the birds come and go, it was one of my guilty pleasures.  I haven't seen hummingbirds in my front yard since the bird feeder broke... until today.  I was having one of my guilty pleasures moments, just swinging and taking in God's glory around me, praying and praising... then I saw him... fluttering nearby... my eyes followed him to the front door, where my butterfly wind chimes hang... and he just perched up there.  I was so nervous to walk into the house (beneath the chimes) to get my camera from inside, but I did and he didn't spook off!  I switched lenses and started capturing my new found friend before he got wise to me and fluttered off.  To my glorious surprise, he stayed put!  And through the lens I realized he wasn't just perched atop my wind chimes, he had made himself a home there!
 Isn't he just perfect!?
  I sat there watching him for what felt like hours and reveling in his contentment in his tiny chiming nest but alas, I had to leave to pick the boys up from school. When I got home the nest was empty... is he gone for good? I thought...
Nope!  He's Baaack!
I know I labeled this "Four-Legged Family" but that's because I didn't want to make a new label for "Fluttering Family" - humor me please.


Jena said...

That is too awesome. Champ and I were just reading up (literally minutes before I read your post) on humming birds. I've had 2 feeders for a couple of years this year expanding to 4. They bring me great pleasure, but I have never seen a nest. That is so cool. Awesome pix too!

Anonymous said...

u know he is more likely to be a she . to bad you cant see the eggs . maybe after they've gone . thats so cool ! i seen on tv that the same one will come back year after year .